Natal Chart

A natal chart is created using date of birth, the exact time of birth and the place of birth of an individual. Enter the above mentioned particulars in the calculator below to generate your free birth chart online. Find the position of the Sun, the Moon and the planets at the time of your birth and find the influence they have on you.

Get Your Free Astrology Natal Chart

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Planets and other celestial bodies move in different trajectories around the universe resonating, attracting and repelling energies among each other, and they change their positions constantly in the sky. The changes are so discrete that the different positions of the planets and other luminaries among the stars at every moment is unique. Each of these changes resort to specific significance, meaning and influence on life on Earth.

Hence, the position of celestial bodies in the sky at the exact moment of one’s birth has monumental impact on the person’s life. The astrology that studies such influence is the natal astrology and that which analyzes the natal chart is the natal chart astrology.

Natal Chart or the birth chart is a chart that maps the celestial pattern drawn in the sky at the time of the native’s birth, giving the position of every planet and other celestial bodies in alignment with the native in question. An astrology birth chart comprehensively tabulates the position of the Sun, the moon, planets and other celestial bodies in the sky at the time of the native’s birth, and the influence they have on the native. A natal chart does not change, but remains fixed as a cosmic DNA that describes a person’s life cycle.

A birth chart is a snap of the sky at the exact moment of one’s birth, revealing the kind of energies they were exposed to when they were born. The ten planets and the twelve zodiac signs make way for millions of combinations of energies, which makes one’s combination unique to them.

When an astrology birth chart is studied, the following aspects are given importance:
  • The Sun, Moon and rising signs
  • The position of each planet in the twelve houses and the twelve zodiac signs
  • Relation between planets, be it harmonious or rebellious.
  • The stronger planets and the weaker planets in the birth chart, and their positions.

Every planetary body takes a position in the twelve houses of the birth chart, and each of these planets have a role in the personality of the individual. Every planet represents a distinct part of a person. For example, Mars represents your ambitious nature, while Neptune influences your interest in art, music and blindspots. Jupiter draws on your philosophy of life and Saturn rules your sense of responsibility and your genius in your chosen field.

All astrological predictions of an individual is purely derived from their astrology birth chart. Hence, it is of paramount importance to be precise about the time of birth of the individual to draw their natal chart. The accuracy of the time and place of birth of the native determines the precision of the calculation of the degrees, or angles, of the signs or the native’s twelve houses.

Use the above birth chart calculator to generate your free natal chart online and find out what it means to you. The system calculates your wheel graphic and interprets your personality.

How to generate natal chart for free?

Your Date of Birth, your exact Time of Birth, and your Place of Birth is required to generate your free birth chart online. Use the above birth chart calculator to generate your free natal chart online and find out what it means to you.

What does a birth chart show?

An astrology birth chart tabulates the position of the Sun, the moon, the planets and rising signs in the universe at the time of the native’s birth. Once the positions of the planets are determined, the birth chart is divided into twelve sections, each section representing these houses. Each section or house is under a different zodiac sign. The position of the planets in any of the zodiac houses can have positive and negative influences on the native.

What is the significance of birth chart?

The position of celestial bodies in the sky at the exact moment of one’s birth has monumental impact on the person’s life. Natal Chart or the birth chart maps the celestial pattern drawn in the sky at the time of the native’s birth, giving the position of every planet and other celestial bodies in alignment with the native in question. All astrological predictions on a native is purely derived from their astrology birth chart.