Here is your free Yearly Virgo horoscope for 2023 with detailed transit reports and astrology predictions. Don't forget to read your Virgo horoscope today - June 12, Monday →

Yearly Virgo Horoscope

Virgo Horoscope 2023

You can be a Virgo rising, Sun or Moon sign, you all are going towards a moderate, yet a positive year. Being an earth sign, you are very particular about your life, and you don't like changes. That is the peculiarity of the earth sign; they don't like changes in their life. You want growth, but you like steady growth and are ready to spend time on that. Sometimes you are stuck in the past, but this is a year to shed your skin and move on. Stay calm about the lost opportunities in 2022.

You will witness growth in all the areas of your life and get ready to embrace the positive changes of the heavenly energies. This is a very active year due to multiple transits and retrogressions. 2023 will witness multiple planets retrograding. Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Mars will retrograde this year. That means this is a year to do a lot of introspection. Mars and Mercury will be in retrograde when you enter the New Year. So, retrogrades have a big role in developing your life. During retrogression, the whole world will start slowing down. It may not always be so sweet, but every time has its advantages and flaws.

Venus retrogrades every eighteen months and will be retrogression from July to September. In astrology, Venus indicates females, love and luxury. It rules Taurus and Libra in the zodiac wheel and both signs indicates beauty and love. So, the retrograde will impact everyone especially about their perspective about love and money. There will be finance-related havoc. If Venus is retrograde in your natal chart, then only you will be impacted by this retrograde. Otherwise, you don't have to worry much about these.

Mercury retrograde of this year started on December 29, 2022, and it will continue until January 18, 2023. Mercury will again slow down from April 21 to May 14, 2023. From August 23 to September 15, 2023, Mercury will be in retrograde for the third time. The last month of this year will witness the last retrograde of 2023, and it will continue until January 2024. Mercury rules communication and logic; it's quite natural to have communication issues during Mercury's retrogression.

Virgo monthly horoscope June→

Jupiter will be in good condition; even though it will have retrograde, it will bring improvement. Jupiter indicates children, money, and optimism in astrology. So, Virgos all around the world will be looking at the New Year with hope. Your love life is also showing the signal for growth. Foreign travel and spiritual activities are also showing in 2023.

Professionals also will be getting many benefits and growth. However, Mercury will be retrograding in the first month, moreover Mercury rules you, so please do not make any major decisions in the first months. Since you are patient, opportunities will come your way. In addition to all these planetary transits, one total solar and lunar eclipse will add importance to your life.

Virgo Career Horoscope 2023

The first half may be a poor one as some planets will be in retrogression, and others will be moving through the last degrees of the signs they are in. Your patience will give you results as you make practical plans during the first half. If you are a businessman, there will be financial issues coming up. Business partners may argue, and this is a sensitive time. Partnership disputes will be normal in the first half, but you should have logical reasons for that. Please do not try to drag the issues; otherwise, such arguments will ruin the good things which is going to come on your way.

Due to the Saturn transit, your workplace will gain a lot of importance throughout the year. Saturn and Jupiter have a big say in yearly horoscopes because they stay in a sign for the longer term. The Saturn transit is empowering, and you will be able to solve work-related issues. Saturn is the planet for stability, and you will achieve stability at work, so you should have a good plan. Saturn transit will help you to solve work-related issues too. Unemployed people should sincerely try finding a job as there are clear chances for a new job opportunity. If you wish to appear for a competitive exam, you are closer towards victory, provided your birth horoscope should support a victory at this time. However, you should not waste time sitting and complaining; instead, start preparing for such exams. The main challenges will arise from colleagues, but you will be able to overcome that. However, for the time being, you need to focus on your work, which will naturally shut the critics up. Sometimes, silence is the best revenge.

May to June will be the brightest time in your career. This season will mark its glory by giving you new opportunities. Being a Virgo, you are a multitasker, so you will get multiple projects. You have an amazing skill to multitask, but do not overdo anything. Please prioritize your work. Otherwise, you will mess up your work from May to June. During this season, you will have appraisals or essential conversations with managers. The career will grow from the second half, and you will get freelancing opportunities around September. The beginning and end months will show new opportunities for businesspeople, but they should refrain from investing in high-risk ventures. Foreign trips and collaborations will be coming in April, July or August. If you are looking for a transfer you can expect a transfer from October onwards. Work-wise relocation is also possible in the late part of 2023.

Virgo Love Horoscope 2023

Virgos are never known for romance or love. Being a Virgo, your love life is ruled by Jupiter, the planet for spirituality, and Jupiter has nothing to do with love. Moreover, Venus, the planet for love and romance, gets debilitated in your sign, and it would only produce good results once it is promised in your birth horoscope. Virgo natives, male or female, must polish their attitude if they want a good love life. Virgo is an earth sign, thus not very flexible, and you are not ready to leave your morals and ethics for romance. During July, Venus, the planet for love, will start its slowdown, which can impact everyone worldwide. It will end this only by September. This phase will mark a reunion with your ex-lovers, but you should take your time before taking them back into your life. Please do not be desperate to be in love as time takes its course. You are a patient person, so patiently wait as retrogression is not the time for decision-making. Venus retrogression does not favor harmony, so you have to work towards a harmonious relationship. You majorly look for perfection in whatever you do, so you are known as the perfectionist of the zodiac. However, you should understand we are humans; thus, to err is human. Learn to forgive and move on.

In October, Venus, the planet of love, will enter your sign, and it will aspect the seventh house. Venus will be out of its retrogression zone then, bringing new opportunities to meet someone you like. The seventh house indicates marriages, so you will even consider getting married. At the beginning of the year, Venus will be in your seventh house of marriage. This impact will stay for some time, so you should use this time to know what your partner needs from you. We may not be able to transform fully for someone else, but we can indeed become flexible. 2023 is expecting you to be flexible in love and all areas of your life. Venus will be transiting the fifth house of meet-ups in December, bringing some opportunities to meet with like-minded people. March to April will be the time of crisis, so you should not argue with your loved one.

Virgo Finance Horoscope 2023

You are not entering an easy phase of time regarding finances, but through hard work, you will be able to make and save money. Being a Virgo, you spend carefully and you know every penny matters. Jupiter, the planet for money and luck, is not favorable for you this time, so you should not take any risk at any time in 2023. You should refrain from taking any solo decisions regarding career or business matters. Try to be self-reliant than depending on others for financial aid. It would not be easy, but you will be able to achieve financial stability. Your financial stability is not safe throughout the year, so you should cut off your expenses. Austerity measures will be good, the time will be teaching you great financial management lessons.

Throughout the year, gains and expenses would not be balanced. However, the universe knows how to make you feel balanced through freelancing opportunities. Such opportunities will come from September onwards. You should not miss that by raising your lame defenses. Most of your defenses will work against your goodwill. Since you are a multitasker, you will be able to manage these projects, and they will bring money too. You may have more expenses from October onwards and expect a financial crunch during this time. Kindly avoid any risky venture at the beginning of the year. Otherwise, that will bring losses too. February to March will show you the need to settle your debts. You will even think about loans and have to settle tax-related issues.

Virgo Health Horoscope 2023

Your feelings and attitude will be working against you this year. The emotional nature will have a direct impact on your health. At the beginning of the year, Venus will be in your sixth house of health, bringing concerns regarding diet and routine. Being an earth sign, you are naturally very patient, but many undercurrents frustrate you. During July to September, when Venus is in its slow down mode, you may have concerns regarding your appearance. There is nothing wrong in going for beauty treatment, but you should avoid such treatment when Venus goes in a slow down mode. Please use this time to research new health care programs, so that you can adopt when Venus moves direct. You should work hard to maintain good health; your diet is very important. It is very important to have the support of a healthcare expert to stay fit. The eclipse season will bring health-related concerns, so you should be careful. March to May will be crucial for your health, and you must take up new healthcare practices.

Virgo Travel Horoscope 2023

This year will bring more pleasure trips than official ones. In the later part of January, Venus will impact the seventh house of long trips so that you will find some opportunities for long trips. Cancer season begins in June and will also favor long trips and foreign collaborations. Throughout the year, long trips will be coming up, and the last month of the year will surely trigger you to move out from home. Mercury, your ruler and the planet for travelling, will be in retrogression every quarter starting from January, so you have to make plan B whenever this planet is in slow down.

The Impact of Solar and Lunar Eclipses in 2023

There will be one total solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse. These eclipses will impact you for the next six months from their occurrences. The solar eclipse indicates beginnings, and this eclipse does indicate financial imbalances. So, the economic issues will be active throughout the year. Meanwhile, a lunar eclipse means endings, and you must take care of your family matters. Please feel free to be part of new real estate deals.

You can be a Virgo rising, Sun or Moon sign, you all are going towards a moderate, yet a positive year. Being an earth sign, you are very particular about your life, and you don't like changes.

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