Western Planetary Aspects Image Source: Prokerala

Western Planetary Aspects

In Western astrology, planetary aspects constitute the angles that the planets make to each other in the horoscope, measured along the ecliptic in degrees and minutes of celestial longitudes between two points, as viewed from the Earth. These aspects can be formed between planets, or between a planet and the Ascendant, the descendant, nadir or M.C (M.C, or the Midheaven, is the highest point in the horoscope chart- a point directly overhead at the time and place of a person's birth).

Planetary aspects can be Major aspects or Minor aspects, each resorting to specific significance, meaning and influence on life on Earth. Aspects between planets in a person's birth chart or their natal chart comes with an accentuation or emphasis of the characteristics associated with the planets involved.

When looking into aspects, one observes the nature of the planets involved, nature of the aspect, and the signs and houses in which the aspects occur. Planetary aspects can either be harmonious or challenging, depending on the specific nature of the aspects formed, the planets involved in the aspect, and the energies they exhume. By principle, the difficult planetary aspects pose as the biggest challenges in life while they make an important source for personal growth and achievements.

Find out the planetary aspects occurring today.

The Major Aspects

There are five major aspects in Western Astrology. Each aspect has its own characteristics that influence the planets involved differently.


An aspect where two planets, or a planet and an ascendant, happen to be within 8 degrees apart from each other. The planets make a strong aspect if both of them lie in the same sign, and indicates a weak aspect if they lie on a different sign. A strong conjunction can bring out the best of influence from both the planets. Whereas, if the conjunction is a weak link with incompatible planets, the aspect can create a sense of conflict and competition.


Opposition is a planetary aspect where two planets lie in opposite signs about 180 degrees apart from each other. Such an aspect indicates a sense of frustration and conflict between the planets involved, bringing out the worst energies in them. The energies are at odds. It shows a sense of difficulty especially in dealing with other people or integrating different sides of a personality. On the other hand, it can also indicate the need for balance and cooperation, when the planets find a common ground through their opposing energies.


It is known as a Trine when two planets or features are 120 degrees apart from each other. Such an aspect stimulates peace, and taps into artistic and creative talents. A trine is indicative of inner harmony and peace when the positive energies of both planets are equally developed, and if the planets are in the same element.


Indicative of frustration and disharmony, a square is an destructive aspect when two planets or features occur at 90 degrees from each other. A square can be stressful and can create friction. Weak characters are easily wrecked, altering their attitude to life and creating imbalance. However, if the positive characteristics of both planets are developed equally, a square can be a major source to spur great achievement.


A sextile is a harmonious aspect when the planets or features happen to be at 60 degrees from each other. It is similar to a trine but is less significant. A sextile promotes consonance between the planets involved in the aspect, and is an indication of talent, creativity, and the ability to communicate ideas.

The Minor Aspects


A semi-sextile is reckoned to be easy and comfortable as it gather the planets to be at half a sextile, or at 30 degrees apart from each other. However, is the planets are in the consecutive signs, therefore representing different elements, then the aspect can bring the energies of the planets involved at odds.

Inconjunct or Quincux

An inconjunct is an aspect when two planets are 150 degrees apart. It is as awkward aspect to live in as it is indicative of blind spot and incompatibility. A double inconjunct is when one planet is inconjunct with two planets at once.

The Semi-Square

The Semi-Square is when the planets align at 45 degrees apart from each other to indicate a difficult inharmonious circumstance.

The Sesquiquadrate

The Sesquiquadrate has planets aligned at 135 degrees from each other, indicating a rather stressful condition.

The Quintile and Bi- Quintile

The Quintile and Bi- Quintile that has planets or features at 72 degrees and 144 degrees from each other, are fortunate events that promotes harmony and creativity.


1) Which is the most powerful planetary aspect?

The major planetary aspect known as the Conjunction involves two planets in close proximity with each other. When the planets are conjunct in the same sign, it forms the most powerful planetary aspect involving the energies of both the planets. The principles of the planets will react to stimulus together and on each other. A strong conjunction can bring the best of influence from both the planets.

2) What is a harsh aspect in astrology?

Planetary aspects that are difficult, and indicative of tension and friction are known as harsh aspects. A square is an destructive aspect when two planets or features occur at 90 degrees from each other. Opposition is a planetary aspect where two planets lie in opposite signs about 180 degrees apart, indicating frustration and conflict between the planets involved, bringing out the worst energies in them. An incompatible conjunction can be discordant too. Such a conjunction is a weak aspect with planets in two different signs which can further create conflict and competition.

3) Can planetary aspects be harmonious or challenging?

Planetary aspects can be harmonious and challenging depending on the specific nature of the aspect, the planets and the nature of energy exhumed by the planets involved in the aspect, and the house and sign in which the planetary aspects occur in. Major planet aspects like the trine and sextile are harmonious in nature, while the aspects like square and opposition trigger disharmony and friction. The difficult planet aspects pose as the biggest challenge in life, yet these challenges and difficulties could be used for personal growth and improvement if channeled correctly.