Gemini Zodiac Sign

May 21 to June 20 born people belong to the third sign of the Zodiac - Gemini. As a Gemini, you are known for being intelligent, adaptable, and curious. You are also known for being able to see both sides of every issue.

Gemini are always up for a good debate and are not afraid to voice your opinion. You are a quick thinker, and you are always on the go. You are also known for being a bit of a social butterfly. You enjoy being around people and are always up for a good time.

You are a natural-born leader, always looking for new and exciting things to do. You are also known for being very independent. You like to do things your way and are not afraid to take risks.

Gemini Zodiac Sign - Quick Facts

  • Gemini Date: May 21 - June 21*
  • Symbol: The Twins
  • Quality: Mutable Sign
  • Element: Air
  • Gemini Ruling Planet: Mercury
  • Opposite Sign: Sagittarius
  • Gemini Birthstone: Agate, Garnet
  • Anatomy Ruled: Shoulders, Hands, Nervous System
  • Flower: Lavendar
  • Tarot card: VI The Lovers

* Date may change for some years
See Zodiac sign dates →

Gemini Zodiac Sign Guide

As a Gemini, you are a gifted communicator, and you have a way with words. You are also known for being a great listener. You are always there for your friends and family, ready to lend a helping hand and ready to lend a shoulder to cry on.

You are also known for being a great advice giver. You are always there to lend a listening ear, and you are always ready to offer a helping hand.

Gemini Positives and Negatives

Positives Negatives
Curious, Inquisitive, Dextrous, Adventurous, Articulate, Versatile, Liberal, Open Minded, Unbiased, Youthful, Nimbleness Manipulative, Nervous, Impatient, Restless, Blabby, Cunning, Scatterbrained

Gemini - Likes and Dislikes

Gemini is known for being social, communicative, and logical. They likely enjoy spending time with others, are constantly curious and like to learn new things. Here are few things that Gemini people enjoy and things they dislike :

Gemini Likes:

  1. Socializing: Gemini people are social butterflies. They enjoy meeting new people and spending time with others. They are often the life of the party and can be quite charming.
  2. Communication: Gemini people are excellent communicators. They are often able to express themselves clearly and effectively. They enjoy discussing ideas and are often very articulate.
  3. Learning: Gemini people are lifelong learners. They are curious and want to know everything about everything. They are always exploring and expanding their knowledge.
  4. Logic: Gemini people are logical thinkers. They like to make sense of things and see the world in a rational way. They are often good at problem solving and critical thinking.
  5. Fun: Gemini people enjoy having fun. They are often playful and lighthearted. They enjoy activities that are stimulating and entertaining.

Gemini dislike:

  1. Being alone: Gemini people are not fond of being alone and can get antsy when they don't have stimulation from others.
  2. Feeling confined or controlled: They also dislike feeling trapped or confined, whether it be in a relationship, a job, or even just a small space. They also hate it when people try to control them.
  3. Commitment: Gemini people can be quite indecisive and may have a hard time commit to anything, whether it be a person, a project, or even just a plan.
  4. They can also be quite forgetful, which can be frustrating for those around them.
  5. Slow or dull groups: Gemini are known for their quick wit and sharp tongues, so they hate it when people are slow or dull.

Zodiac Sign Calculator

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