There have been many people who face problems of balding, dandruff, lice and so many more. Often people do not have the patience to understand what is going wrong with the growth pattern of the hair.

Models showcase fashion designer Monisha Jaising's creation at Lakme Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2015 in Mumbai. Image Source: IANS

Mumbai: Models showcase fashion designer Monisha Jaising's creation at Lakme Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2015 in Mumbai.

Maybe we look at bringing an end to the problem by spying it through another angle. You need to find the root cause of the problem and then use the remedies. 

This is why I felt you need to approach the problem in a more scientific manner. I have the latest researches collected for you. These will explain why a hair turns grey and you will these researches very interesting.

Inmates of an old age home celebrate 'Raksha Bandhan' in Jammu on Aug 26, 2018. Image Source: IANS

Jammu: Inmates of an old age home celebrate 'Raksha Bandhan' in Jammu on Aug 26, 2018.

Your tresses are great attention seekers!

Our hair is like our identity and they are known to be the crowning glory of a person. When this hair falls often, or changes its colour, lacks lustre, then we go into a sad phase.

It is true this change will affect our life, but if we know why it happens- maybe we could face the situation better. This research is more inclined the stages of growth of hair in women.

The Research States That:

Hair will wear out on quality and quantity as we age. 

The Research done at American Academy of Dermatology found that hair will lack lustre when we engage the hair in a lot of styling procedures.

Over time, the radiant hair will lose the shine and will look limp and dead.

This affects the self esteem of the person and we need to take care of the hair from a young age.

Point Made: You treat your hair well, they will give some of the best results.

In your 20s

  • This is the time that the hair is most healthy.
  • Just have a balanced diet, and do not go for fad diets. They create havoc to the body and hair.
  • Just plain intake of vitamin, proteins and minerals will be needed for healthy hair.
  • Have milk and milk products in plenty.
  • For women, if your estrogen levels fall, so will your hair fall. So, enjoy a lot of fish oils to keep body and hair nourished.

In your 30s

  • By this time, a woman will get pregnant and that can have a negative take on heir hair growth.
  • After delivery, the hair is bound to fall. In normal cases, if you have a good diet- the hair will re-grow.
  • But if it does not grow, seek help from a dermatology expert. These could genetic disorders and you need experts to fix it.

In your 40s

  • At the age of 40, you are entering the entrance of old age and actually not stepped out of the youthful phase of life. 
  • Hair dyes are used during this age, as this provides a subtle camouflage against the white hairs that are increasing in numbers.
  • The peroxide within the hair dyes will damage the hair shafts and that will reduce the chances of new hair regrowing on the scalp. 
  • Again, this is a periomenopause phase, when estrogen levels sink and that again reduces the chances of proper hair growth.

In your 50s

  • When we hit the 50s line, the general growth of the body reduces. So, naturally our hair follows suit.
  • So, now it is more styling, dyeing, and less intake of protein and a balanced diet.
  • When the hair does not get its fair share of nutrients, how will the hair get replenished?

Few Research That Experts Share:

  • Try not to wash hair everyday unless you have sweated a lot.
  • It is important to wash he scalp and not just the hair. Oils and dirt lie within the scalp and near the hair follicles. So, make that free from bacteria that may cause dermatology problems.
  • Mildly shampoo your hair so as to prevent dandruff and settling of oil in the hair and scalp.
  • Opt for hair colours that have sun screens. This will help the hair from fading or losing lustre.
  • Okay, if you need to dye your hair, also make it a point to use after dye conditioners to ensure that hair is not completely devoid of healthy oils in the scalp.    

grey hair Image Source:

Stress paves way for Gray!

Research has a story to lend us:

  • If you are stressed, this will reflect on the grey hairs that form on your scalp.
  • Once stress hits you, the cells tend to age faster and that is what greys the hair.
  • The cells develop a sort of pigmentation and that is what causes the problem in hair.
  • Now, this reaction can happen if you are young. If stress is driving your peace, it will surely show out on your hair as well.

Why does Hair turn Gray?

Okay, in the previous one- you must have understood that stress down play a vital role in causing those unwanted gray strands on our scalp.

What does Research reveal about gray hair?

At the NYU Langone Medical Center / New York University School of Medicine , they say that some sort of communication goes on between the stem cells and the hair follicles.

Not sure, what they communicate, but that is what causes the pigmentation!!

We have two main characters in the play of greying.

  • One is the pigment-producing melanocycte cells and the other are the hair follicle stem cells.
  • The pigment producing cells are the ons that help any hair dye to seep in and colour the hair.
  • Usually, if the person is healthy and the stem cells are normal, the pigmentation does not work.
  • But with stress, and other dermatology issues, deformities can happen.
  • Once that happens, the pigmentation cells rise into action and start changing the original colour of the hair to grey colour.
  • This can be rectified with proper hair oil massages and also nutritious balanced diet.

Four 100 % Proven Remedies to Stop the Grey Hair from increasing!

Well, the researches have done their part and fed us with the nuances of why and how the hair turns from the original colour to a grey or even white colour.  Never feel that you cannot get back that lush hair at all. 

Of course, age is a factor, but these remedies below can slow down the process of greying hair. Try them regularly and get back your youthful tresses in a matter of few months.

#1 Indian Gooseberry

The first one on this list is the Indian gooseberry or in Hindi- it is called as Amla.

What you need:

  • 1/2 a cup of chopped and deseeded fresh gooseberries or about 5 dried, pitted gooseberries
  • 1 cup of coconut oil
  • How to make and use:
  • Just take a thick bottomed pan and add both the ingredients into it.
  • Boil for 10 minutes and then leave to cool.
  • Now, take a teaspoon of the oil and massage into the scalp.
  • Leave it for 10 minutes and wash off with a mild shampoo. Or else leave it overnight and then wash the next day.
  • Repeat so everyday for a month, then make it four times a week and then to twice a week.

#2 Curry Leaves

Curry Leaves are well known in Indian culinary, but very few people know that it has other medicinal benefits.

What you need:

  • 1 cup of curry leaves
  • 1 cup of coconut oil

How to make and use:

The procedure of preparation and usage is same as that of the first one.

#3 Vitamin B12

The next one on the list is not something you need to apply, but rather something you need to consume as part of your daily diet

 What you need to eat?

If you are non vegetarian, you will be flooded with plenty of options like fish, fish oils, milk, eggs, and chicken.

But if you are a vegetarian, the choices are limited and they would include fortified nutritional yeast and even fortified cereals, fortified vegan milk like rice milk and soy milk. Still they are not rich in vitamin B12, as compared to the non vegetarian food items.

#4 Fenugreek

For those who don’t know what fenugreek is- this is plant that contains small seeds in it. These seeds are very good for health from cleansing the bowels, reducing inflammations and even reducing the formation of grey hair.

You can get to buy these seeds in any Indian store. Buy small amounts so that the freshness of the seed is not lost. 

You can also use them in cooking as they help burn fat quickly. Sprout the seeds and use the tender leaves in your fresh salads.

What you need:

  • 2 tablespoons of dry fenugreek seeds
  • 1 litre of water

How to make and use:

  • Soak the seeds in water fro 12 hours or over night.
  • After that, take a little water and grind the seeds to a fine pulp.
  • Apply this on the scalp and let it soak in the scalp for about one hour.
  • Wash away with a mild shampoo.