Here is your free monthly Taurus horoscope for June, 2023 with detailed transit reports and astrology predictions. Don't forget to read your Taurus horoscope today - June 12, Monday →

Monthly Taurus Horoscope

Taurus horoscope June, 2023

After so many planetary disturbances, you are going to step into a very calm month. However, retrograde Pluto will change the sign during this month, and that is the only big news for June. This retrogression period is very good for reevaluating your career. Your first house of personal life is very much magnified due to the transit of Uranus and Mercury. According to the tropical zodiac, Jupiter is also with Mercury and Uranus, so your personal life is expanding and you are about to take some new decisions. Please enjoy the positive influence of these energies, as you will get new opportunities to improve your personal life.

On the fourth, the full moon will rise in the eighth house of finances, and the full moon indicates completion. You are supposed to complete some formalities regarding finances. This is the time for transformation. Just like the snake sheds its skin to get a better one, you will decide to shake off the unwanted elements in your life so that you can get the best. This is also the time to think about partnerships, joint ventures, and other financial matters. The moon is not in the right place, so you also need to be careful with your emotional issues.

On the sixth, Mars will conjunct Venus in Leo, which will bring many activities at home and with family. There will be a lot of work at home, like real estate deals, renovations, and family meetings. Mars and Venus will bring problem-solving sessions at home as well. You will feel the need to give more attention to family members.

Taurus weekly horoscope June 11th to June 17th

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