If your health includes good food, fresh air, no pollution, god skin and so on; then the component of good sexual health is equally important.

School students stand in ribbon formation - symbol for AIDS awareness - on  World AIDS Day 2016 in Bhubaneswar, on Dec 1, 2016. (Photo : Arabinda Mahapatra/IANS) Image Source: IANS

Bhubaneswar: School students stand in ribbon formation - symbol for AIDS awareness - on World AIDS Day 2016 in Bhubaneswar, on Dec 1, 2016. (Photo : Arabinda Mahapatra/IANS)

Many feel bad about talking about this, but you must remember that : Ignorance can cause you a harm of a lifetime.

So, do you want to risk it?

Here, we can help you dwell in the world of sexual health without feeling shy, but rather being smart and protecting yourself.

 First, you need to know what is sexual health. Many youngsters and even the old generation think – it is a platform to discuss about the raw feel of sex. Nope, that is a misconception.

This is a world- where you learn how to take care of your natural needs and emotions in a safe, secure and healthy manner. So, let’s get started.

sexual health is important Image Source: https://pixabay.com/en/users/sasint-3639875/

What is Sexual Health?

At the WHO , it was once explained as follows: This is a state of mental, physical and also the social well- being of an individual and its innate connection with sexuality.

It includes many aspects like using safe sex measures, knowing about various deadly diseases like AIDS, HIV and so on.

It also means that you respect relationships whether you are bisexual , trans, gay, straight relationships, or lesbian. It doesn’t matter, as long as you respect your partner and the way you both interact during sex.

You have a right to express your sexuality, but make sure it does not insult anyone. 

Do you know that the world celebrates the World Aids Day? If not, read about it here. This is surely not a day to party, but to educate yourself about sexual health, various sexual diseases and also take the treatments at the right time.

Also Read: How can you help a LGBT Teen cope with sexual orientation changes?

Also Read: Why and How you should have the 'SEX TALK' with growing children?

The Mental Side of Sexual Health

People may think that this is purely a physical aspect, but no, this has a mental and imaginative side to it.

For example, if you find that you are attractive, and have a well toned and healthy body- doesn’t it improve your self esteem levels?

Doesn’t it boost your confidence? You feel more good when you talk to people, approach people and situations in life and so on.

Plus, a person who looks good (here it is not pertain to body and facial features, but how you maintain the body) will get more recognition, respect and fame in society.

Below, you need to scroll to understand all about various diseases associated to sex.


The Physical Side of Sexual Health

Now, you must have got an idea about the mental side of sexual health. But there is an equal component that you must keep in mind and that is: Physical Sexual Health.

Few Things you need to keep in mind:

No relationship should confuse you inside. This means that if you have a doubt your sexual partner could hurt you- then quit being with them!

Always, however clean you and your partner is- you are advised to practise only safe sex measures.

Now, this is for women: ensure that your body is not infected with STIs, or by the fluke preggie situations (unless you want to be a mom!)

Last, be safe, be happy, and have no regrets!

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