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Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn

Lord of small things? Don’t be dismissive!

Pluto had made a grand entry in Aquarius in March 2023, but now retrograding into Capricorn where it was lodged since 2008. Pluto’s orbit is the farthest one among the planets, hence it takes longer for it to complete its cycle. When a planet transits a sign, it aspects the different dimensions of the house it transits and the planets it aspect. Pluto is the planet that brings transformation. Not a smooth one, though. Pluto teaches lessons related to the particular house it sits in for a very long time. It brings collective changes as well. Pluto is about power dynamics as well. It brings in transformation in the way power is handled.

Pluto is the Roman version of Hades, the mythological Greek god of the underworld. It is the Pluto who governs over the dead in Greek mythology, along with his queen, Persephone. He is also the ruler of the dark side of our souls, and of our minds. Apparently, Pluto has its home in Scorpio, which is also the house of transformation, secrecy, and death. As a planet of revelation, it brings out the darker aspects of our personality to light, for us to correct it and shine the light within. Any personality trait that holds us back will also be addressed by the planet, making it connected to the field of psychology. It helps us reach into the inner recesses of our minds and make transformations that will live with you your whole life!

This transit on the 11th of June 2023 is going to bring a sea change in the world about equality, work ethics, payments and justice. Let us see what it has in store for you!


Your career or profession is what Pluto is going to affect during this transit of Pluto. You may opt to go in for a U- turn in your profession by taking up a line you have not been trained to do. You may be in the public attention for some reason. Your status in the world will also see a remarkable change. You may feel diffident in your area of work, but it can make you work more productive towards achievements. Pluto will activate your instincts as well. So you can reach out to the inner well of your wisdom. Pluto will dictate how to handle the power centres and make transformations that can benefit many.


This Retrograde Pluto's transit in Capricorn 2023 is going to affect your ninth house. You will develop your higher learning through experience. You will question your beliefs about spirituality. You will want to explore different cultures and practices of people around the world by experiencing it. You will want to unravel spiritual mysteries and will be an adventurous traveler. Your religious beliefs would take a massive shift to bring you closer to a different perspective about the religion that you have developed within yourself. You will work towards your fortunes.


You will undergo great transformation during this transit of Pluto in Capricorn. You will develop a different attitude towards giving and sharing, which will make your mind peaceful. You may analyse your sexual instincts and may seek out to understand more about your inner secrets and fantasies. You will heal from any sexual trauma or hurt with deliberate probing and therapy if needed. You will bring yourself on good terms with your sexuality with confidence during this transit of Pluto.


Your perception about partnerships will change during this transit of Pluto in your house of partnerships. Your spouse or live-in partner may undergo scrutiny by you and you will decide how to go ahead in the relationship. Your dynamics in relationship will change for the good. You will not be willing to compromise on anything if the relationship does not give you the freedom to be yourself. You may draw the lines and demarcate your territories that need no interference.


The sixth house of routines and service is going to take the effect of Pluto’s transit in Capricorn. Your work ethics will change for the better. You will bring yourself into a greater understanding of the workforce and you will toil for social inequalities in your own ways. You will ensure justice in pay and workload for you and others. Your routines will see a tectonic shift during this time, with more emphasis on changing your lifestyle, eating and exercise to bring about a change in your working- both personal and professional.


The transit of Pluto in Capricorn, your fifth house of romance and creativity, is going to bring you new revelations. You may meet your dream lover during this phase, if you have an idea about what he or she should be like. You will re-define your relationship expectations and you will go with the flow, given that relationships have a transformative impact. You will spend time with your children that will bring you to a better understanding of yourself. You will bring your creativity to new levels through effort. Your creativity may provoke others, though.


The fourth house of home and mother is going to be shapeshifted by Pluto during its transit in Capricorn. You will bring yourself and your energies to healing childhood traumas. You will spend more time with your mother. You will spend energy on changing the layout of your home. You may go seeking out your ancestral roots and tracing common behavioural patterns. You may establish relationship rules at home as well.


You bring out innovative ideas to the fore. You may write something that will bring you recognition. You may change your friendship dynamics with your close friends by drawing a line whenever. You will muster the art of being more courageous to communicate what you want to bring about a change in the perspective of others. You will use your communications to convey a better idea about the realities. You may sketch new boundaries with neighbours as the third house is affected by the Pluto transit. Your relationship with your siblings will also undergo changes.


You will take an account of your material stability and financial security. You will find out and own the possession of your assets. You will bring your relationship with money into a different realm. Your family will be your asset and you will recognise the fact, sooner or later. You will bring yourself to the higher wisdom of attracting material wealth. Your definition of financial security will witness a change. You will bring yourself to educate yourself about what values you want to abide by and what values you want to chuck out! Personal finances will undergo fluctuations during this time.


The transit of Pluto in Capricorn will teach you the art of accepting yourself with all the flaws and greatness. Life will seem to change before your eyes. You will bring yourself to be shown in a different light before others. Your perception about self will also change for your good. You may seek to loosen up a bit on your compulsions and that will bring you peace. It may be painful, yet you will transform yourself for the better. You will take time, meditate, think, criticize, cry, and become strong with your newfound revelations. You will bring out a new version of yourself. You may enlist the help of a friend or a therapist in your self churning process. You will read, reflect and educate yourself while starting up on this new journey of self.


You may feel irritable, lonely, and unhappy until you find ways to rest and heal yourself. This transit of Pluto in Capricorn will show you the deepest insecurities that had been inferring with your sleep. You may follow a resting pattern in time with the circadian rhythm and heal on a deeper level. You may start writing a dream journal or try mediation practices. Expressive sexual practices also could prove to be cathartic. Hidden enemies will not be able to harm you in any way, as you will learn the art of resilience. You will keep yourself away from others to replenish your inner self. You will this learn the art of guiding yourself. You will develop your intuition as well.


This transit of Pluto in Capricorn will bring you to realise the realities behind your hopes and aspirations. You will refresh your friends’ list and remove the energy vampires from it. You will get involved in worthy causes. You will rethink the groups and associations you are a part of. This will bring meaning to your life by eliminating ones that exhaust your energies. Your networks and friendships will be seen in a new light that favours your well-being.

In conclusion:

Pluto brings about difficult transformations. But it lasts a lifetime and you will be thankful for those painful revelations that shook the axis of your existence. Your life will go a new way if you process the Plutonian energies to your advantage by taking in the invaluable lessons instead of cribbing over the Plutonian revisions.