Timezone as per dictionary meaning is - 'Any of the 24 regions of the globe (loosely divided by longitude) throughout which the same standard time is used.' Different countries follow different time zones and this page will help you find out countries and their time zones and list of cities coming withing one timezone. Find timezones of various countries along with the current local time. For example, using the USA Timezone you can find the local time in various US Cities and also the time difference between US cities.

Find Local Time & Date in World Cities

Use the form below to enter a city name to find the current local time there.

World Time Zone Clock • Current Time in Different Cities

Given below is the world timezone clock showing current time in 5 continents. Click a continent name to find time in 5 major cities located in that continent.

Time Converter • Local Time in World Cities

Use the links below to find time and date information about various countries and cities around the world. Current local time in a particular city, time difference between two countries/cities, time zone information and day light saving (DST) and more...