Here is your free monthly Capricorn horoscope for June, 2023 with detailed transit reports and astrology predictions. Don't forget to read your Capricorn horoscope today - June 12, Monday →

Monthly Capricorn Horoscope

Capricorn horoscope June, 2023

You have reached halfway through this year, and you have six months left in the next year. You are in a hurry, and you want to do everything fast, but the universe is going to send the full moon to your twelfth house. The universe understands the need for detachment and isolation. You have to slow down a bit as the full moon in the twelfth house indicates emotions. There will be a lot of emotional thoughts going around, and you need to do some clutter clearing. This is the time to go for some spiritual activities or poor help. Being a Capricorn, you are a tough nut, and cracking you is not easy. However, it will be good if you go backstage for the first few days and do some introspection.

Pluto will be retrograding in your sign, but this is not very important as it is an outer planet. This retrogression will further make you realize the need for introspection. The conjunction of Mars and Venus will impact Leo, which will bring some concerns regarding finances. Please try to manage your expenses, and you need better financial discipline. Mars and Venus will push you to spend more, as both planets indicate extravagance. Please be ready for unexpected expenses too.

The Sun and Mercury will be changing signs from Gemini to Cancer. The first half of the month will bring some changes at work, as both planets will be in the sixth house of work and colleagues. You will have some concerns regarding your work, and please do not take this as a silly matter. Please avoid all the arguments at work too. The transit of the Sun and Mercury to Cancer will be another challenge, and you have to take care of your one-to-one relationships. There will be a lot of discussions, and you will meet new people during this month.

Capricorn weekly horoscope June 11th to June 17th

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