Here is your free monthly Cancer horoscope for June, 2023 with detailed transit reports and astrology predictions. Don't forget to read your Cancer horoscope today - June 12, Monday →

Monthly Cancer Horoscope

Cancer horoscope June, 2023

The month of June will be much calmer than the previous months because, other than Pluto, no planets are retrograding. Pluto's retrograde is not going to have an impact on a personal level, but it will have an impact on the general community. On the fourth, the full moon will rise in the sixth house of work and struggles. This is not the right placement for the moon, so there will be definite struggles regarding the work. You must take care of your mental health; otherwise, you will have some concerns. The full moon indicates endings or completions, so you will have to complete some projects or your participation in some projects will end. This is not a great combination for workplace issues, either.

On the sixth, Mars and Venus will be conjunct in Leo, which means the second house of finances. This combination indicates the need for more money. There will be gains as well as expenses, so you should be prepared for that. Venus will bring the desire to spend on luxurious objects; if you do that, you will also have financial liabilities. June will also bring part-time projects or freelancing, so you will have to be watchful.

This conjunction can also bring you money by using your creative skills. When the month begins, Mercury will activate your eleventh house of foreign collaborations and team settings. You will be looking for some team ventures, and you will get them if you work hard. There will be new team members too, and they will share revolutionary ideas.

Cancer weekly horoscope June 11th to June 17th

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