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To find your Body Fat using our free online calculator, all you need to do is input the values of your weight, hip size, waist size, wrist and forearm circumference in centimeters or inches. Then based on this input the calculator automatically assesses the exact percentage of fat present in your body. The accuracy of the results obtained here is highly dependent on your input information.

Body Fat Calculator

All you have to do is enter the parameters required below and we will tell you the exact amount of fat in your body.

Calculation of Body Fat

Ever wondered, "Am I really that fat?", especially when almost everyone has nothing to say to you but for the advice that you should lose some weight? Wouldn't it be helpful if there was a way to find out the exact amount of excess fat in your body? Well, look no further. Here we have the answer to all your questions related to your body fat. In case you are wondering, there is a subtle difference between the body fat values for men and women. Our online body fat calculator takes care of that too.

Based on the calculated value of the fat percentage in your body, you are also classified into one of the five groups given below.

  1. Just the essential % of fat
  2. Typical Athlete
  3. Physically fit
  4. Acceptable
  5. Obese

Dieting Alone will not help to reduce the fat in your body. As a matter of fact, if not done properly it can have serious after effects. Some sort of exercise is always advisable. While exercising you may want to use the Body Fat Calculator at regular intervals to track your progress and if your exercise is paying off.

Uses of Body Fat Calculator

We don't often realize the significance of knowing our body fat percentage. It is a very common stereotypical misconception that body fat calculators and other body related stuff is relevant only for bodybuilders and athletes.

Scientists say that depending on the age, gender and bodily dimensions a certain amount of body fat is necessary for any person to be called healthy. Neither above nor below this range is considered good.

There is a difference even between the fat levels which are considered healthy for women and for men. Health experts argue that women require a higher percentage of body fat for safe pregnancy.

Body Fat Chart • Categorization based on Body Fat Percentage

The chart given below shows the body fat percentage for Men and Women and how they are categorized.

Category Women Men
Just the essential % of fat 10 - 13% 2 - 5%
Typical Athlete 14 - 20 6 - 13
Physically Fit 21 - 24 14 - 17
Acceptable 25 - 31 18 - 24
Obese 32% or more 25% or more

Health Calculators